Welcome To ACAM Mission Statement
The Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine (ACAM) is a membership of Medical Practitioners trained to high professional standards, whose objective is to serve the community by providing high quality care.

ACAM was formed in May 2014, when it merged with the Australasian Society of
Cosmetic Medicine (ASCM). ACAM is committed to establishing and maintaining a high standard of practice through training opportunities and continued professional
In anticipation of these changes the new leadership of ACAM, from 2020, has created three separate educational fellowship pathways, and a nurse associate educational pathway. Two of the fellowship pathway and the nurse associate pathway see individuals awarded internationally recognised educational qualifications. All pathways are designed with modern and committed practitioners in mind, with educational delivered mostly online and in your own time. The flexible educational pathways are designed to fit in with practitioner’s busy professional life, whilst allowing the achievement of internationally recognised education.
In anticipation of changes to the Continuing Professional Development ecosystems, ACAM developed key online education and learning opportunities, so that members and due to demand, non-members can complete CPD in Ethics, Mental Health, Facial and Neck Anatomy. All courses are mutli-college CPD accredited for external validation of quality. ACAM has also created alliances to ensure membership discounts to major conferences and forums, and continued the tradition of educational dinners, whilst starting the guest lecture series open to all individuals who practice aesthetic medicine.
In 2023/24 ACAM finalised the modernisation of its constitution and creation of a company status, and application for NPF at the federal level, moving from its long traditional home of NSW. This process saw the development of a modern policy and procedure manual, expanded committees and a continued growth in membership, reflecting the maturity of the college, as well as the national membership base.
ACAM moves forward on the edict of Representation · Education · Reputation and asks all those interested in membership to apply here
News & Views
ACAM conducts successful board elections
On Tuesday 22nd of October, 2024, the Australasia College of Aesthetic Medicine (ACAM), completed the organisation's Annual General Meeting (AGM) with good attendance from members. Under the stewardship of Dr Caswell, ACAM has adopted a modern constitution, honed its multi-college accredited CPD educational short courses, whilst creating professional standards and accessible education for college members. CAM has contributed to changes in guidelines and white papers concerning cosmetic medicine...

Contact us
ABN: 12 024 477 128
+ 612 5633 0410
Secretariat Contact:
Level 17, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Postal Address:
Level 17, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Contact us
+ 612 5633 0410
Secretariat Contact:
Australia Square - Level 33, 264 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Postal Address:
Australia Square - Level 33, 264 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia